The Picture Book

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Saturday, May 3, 2008


The personal green transformation has barely just begun, yet my thoughts have already raced far ahead of my actions. But that is a good thing. I have re-examined some of my personal values in greater depth and came to a better appreciation of those basic ones that should have been more obvious before.

These values are listed in the order of increasing importance.

1. Learn the value of MONEY

I often watch in amazement how some spend and waste money as if it is no object; I also read in total bewilderment if they are the same cash-strapped consumers who are the subjects of endless media reports.

Without lashing out on the "house of cards" economic that optimally fattens the wallets and bodies of this consumer generation, I will simply state that I belong to the school of thought that the true sustainable economy is a GREEN ECONOMY. I hold a strong yet perfectly sensible belief that one day the INFLATION GENIE will come out in a vengeance to punish us all for having abused the resources and the environment.

We have never been more prosperous, but that is achieved literally by our increasing digging into the Earth; when one day we can no longer sustain this model of economic growth we will also realize "money" is a limited resource.

We should not waste it away, and it will become very valuable one day as a possible way for us to salvage the Earth.

2. Learn the value of LIFE and OURSELF

Going green necessarily requires a very honest and thorough assessment of our values and vanity, and the process forces us to realign ourself to the central principles.

As modern consumers we have been influenced to associate our happiness and success by the things we own. Yet there is a whole lot to be rediscovered by staying home, taking a nice walk to work and staying closer to the very simple things in life that our great great parents have enjoyed. Granted our materialistic quality of life is undoubtedly superior, but I believe our minds and spirits actually have regressed.

Recently, I have found myself to be calmer and my mind to be more clear. I have far less clutter in my life to distract me nor do I think much of any cool discretionary items. I have become more focused, more productive, and ... yes.... happier.

3. Learn the value of the PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT

Most importantly, Going Green is about caring beyond ourself for all that are and will be a part of the same world, whether. I find it unnecessary to engage in endless philosophical debates or to pursue abstract thesis in understanding the very obvious truth that THIS PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT GIVES ALL OF US A PLACE FOR OUR PHYSICAL EXISTENCE regardless of our tendency to engage in the relentless pursuit spirituality or happiness.

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