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Friday, May 2, 2008

McCain and Clinton's dumb gas tax idea misses the point - Cheap oil is a thing of the past

John McCain and Hillary Clinton continue to pander the voters on the pretense that gas tax suspension will alleviate surging price at the gas pump. However, economists are in general consensus of this being a "bad idea out of failed learning in Economic 101." Barrack Obama just scored some points in my book for being the sole holdout of this "dumb idea."

Politics or economics aside, I would much prefer the candidates to address it for the ENERGY CRISIS ISSUE that it really is or will be. I see the supply-demand of oil as an escalating problem that not even the complete conversion to Toyota Prius by the entire world can resolve. No amount of money and more money can change the certainty of oil running to its eventual end for as long as we still live our life to guzzle gas.

The only way I see, is for us the consumers to unlearn our dependence, and get a little help along the way from governments and businesses in starting a global green infrastructure.

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