The Picture Book

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reduce - Take Pride

TAKE PRIDE IN LIVING THE SIMPLE LIFE. And it is the best way to "go green" regardless of the endless deceptive "greenwashing" ads.

The more you reduce and the simpler you live, the less you have to worry about what real eco-friendly items to buy.

Owning a hybrid SUV, an extravagant green-couch, or excess hemp-made T-shirts all misses the point... and miss the point big. "Buy Green" should only be applied as the legitimate consumer movement towards food and the basic items needed to sustain life. Others should be taken as "discretionary" as they truly are.

The strong pride I take in trying to living a simpler life is what drives me to keep doing more of what I am doing against the endless temptations to buy and to waste.

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