The Picture Book

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reduce - Buy Right and Cook Light

My wife and I enjoy our dinner as the most elemental part of life - going green, eating right and enjoying the art of cooking all come together in this few hours of daily ritual which we take time to appreciate.

- We buy fresh and preferably organic vegetables and fruits from local stores like Safeway, Giants, Trader Joe's and Mom's Organics.

- We limit the amount of meat, milk and eggs we buy as our way to reduce our indirect demands on livestocks, feeds and agricultural activities.

- We include a certain amount of poultry (chicken) in our diet in place of red meat as another way to reduce the environmental impact.

- We hardly eat fast food, junk food or canned food because of the bad nutritional value and the industrial processes, transports and packagings that are destructive to natural resources and the environment.

- We are even forgoing packaged organic cereals or granola bars, and have begun to buy bulk to start making our own cereals and bars.

- We cook lightly, and we discipline ourselves not to over eat.


Polarbear said...

Many people don't like cooking and they go for 'fast' food or processed food for convenience. And it takes time to put into real practice but with determination & some discipline, everyone can benefit from healthy food with simple and fresh cooking...

oasis said...

Honey, what are you cooking tomorrow?