The Picture Book

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Reduce - $28 Electric and $102 gasoline

In taking small incremental steps toward a more eco-friendly life style, our very FIRST STEP in the personal "reduce" campaign is to minimize energy consumption. After several months of paying attentions to details, we have been progressively reducing our electric bill to finally break below $30 for 2 months now.

I would like to go below $25 eventually.

And we paid just a smidgen over $100 at the gas pump in April. What makes this cut back even more satisfying is that we did it in face of the recent surge in gas price. What I really would like is to break below $50, and even to go car-less.

Incidentally, the office secretary expressed how worried she is over the $450+ per month fuel cost which seems to escalate to no end.

Cheers... to my decision to live close to work.

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